Wednesday, June 29, 2016


  "How do you say it in English?"is back again.  We have already read the following stories: (¿Cómo se dice en inglés" ha vuelto otra vez. Ya leímos las siguientes historias)

1º grade A : "Goldilocks", "Pip", "When the elephant walks", "The nap", "Willy dreams...."

2º grade A- "Goldilocks". "Red gum", "Little book". "Songs", "Nan", "The little red hen", "Toad makes a road."

3º grade A- "The dragon and the phoenix", "The little giraffe", "When the elephants lost their wings", "The clever rabbit and the lion", "The tortoise and the hare", "Crazy sandwich".

First graders started working on the booklet related to reading comprehension, writing, pronunciation and listening. ( Los niños de primer grado comenzaron a trabajar con el cuadernillo relacionado a lecto- escritura, pronunciación y comprensión auditival.
We have new books!. Happy House and Happy Street! (Tenemos nuevos libros)
Second and third graders are using Edmodo.and through this plataform they do different activities that are published on the blog.
(Segundo y tercer grado están utilizando   Edmodo y a través de dicha plataforma realizan distintas actividades que luego son publicadas en el blog.)

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