Thursday, December 1, 2016

Where´s the monkey?

Watch the video, read the dialogue and then write a similar situation. (Mirá el video, lee el díalogo y luego escribí una situación similar. )
Where´s the monkey?
I don´t know
Is it on the table?
No! Look! It´s under the bed!

Write a similar dialogue. You can change the word "monkey" and use other words. (Podés escribir un díalogo similar. Podés cambiar la palabra "mono" y usar otras. ) Por ejemplo: campera, vestido, remera, sweater, osito de peluche, muñeca, auto, libro, lápiz) For example: jacket,  dress, T-shirt, sweater, teddy bear, doll, car, book, pencil,
Ready, steady, go!!!


  1. Hi! I'm Tomas Hannoch 4°A

    Where is the cat?
    I don't know
    Is it on the chair?
    No! Look It is under the table!

  2. Benjamin Aicolino 3ro A

    1- the monkey's under the bed.
    2- the monkey's in the drawer
    3- the monkey's on your head
    4- the monkey's in front of the tv
    5- the monkey's over the desk
    6- the monkey's next to the door.

  3. Benjamín,
    Very good!
    The monkey´s .....(cuando empieza una oración la tenemos que escribir con mayúscula.)
    Fijate en la consigna. Tenés que escribir un díalogo parecido al del ejemplo.

  4. Where´s the dog?
    I don´t know
    Is it in the bed?
    No! Look! It´s under the bed!
    Ulises Azzaro 4°A

  5. Ulises:
    Is it in the bed? (¿quisiste preguntar si estaba en la cama por ejemplo tapado? Está bien.)
    Si quisiste preguntar ¿Está arriba de la cama? sería Is it ON the bed?)

  6. Where's the Dog ?
    I Don't know
    Is it in my bed ?
    No! Look! It is in the garden.

    Guillermo Sosa vega

    1. Guillermo:
      Very good!
      in my bed ( sería adentro de la cama) on my bed (arriba de la cama)

  7. Hi miss!! I am Agustina Nicole Blanes

    1- The monkey's under the bed.

    2- The monkey's in the drawer

    3- The monkey's on your head

    4- The monkey's in front of the tv

    5- The monkey's over the desk

    6- The monkey's next to the door.

    1. Agustina,
      Super!!!!!! Fijate en la consigna tenés que escribir un díalogo similar al ejemplo.

    2. -HI!
      + HI
      - Ilosted my cat Isabela ! Do you know where is she?
      +The cat is under the book.
      -Thank you so much! Goodbye
      + You are welcome! Goodbye

  8. What´s your name?
    I lost my cat, Isabela. Do you know where she is?
    Yes, under the book.

  9. where is the clover rabbit?
    the clover rabbit is under the bed.
    where is the clover rabbit?
    the clover rabbit is on top of the desk.
    where is the clover rabbit?
    on the chair.
    where is the clover rabbit?
    in the window.

    Brisa Aylen Oviedo
    3°A T:MAÑANA

  10. Where 's the snake i don 't know is it in the writing desk?
    No i !look¡ it's under the armchair.

    1. Lautaro,
      Very good!!
      Is it on the desk?
      No, look!...

  11. where´s the cat
    I don´t know
    is it on the bed?
    no, look it´s under the armchair

    sebastian 3a
